Department of Elementary Education Degrees & Majors

ENVS3022 - Energy Stor Convers and Transp

Fall 2014

This course introduces conventional and renewable mechanisms for the transfer and storage of electrical energy. The course beneficially integrates class presentations and hands-on demonstration activities. The topics include: electrochemical storage systems and related power densities; super capacitors, lithium batteries, fuel cell systems, proton exchange membranes, fuel cell stacks; basic principles of operation and future development needs; materials for energy storage and conversion; conventional lead-acid, zinc-air, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries; fuel cell architectures and electrode life times; purely ionic conductors; mixed Ionic / electronic conductors; ionic transport, conductivity in polymers; AC to DC and DC to AC transformers and electrical circuits; economics of energy storage and conversion.
Prerequisites: CHEM1210 amd CHEM1215, PHYS1210 and PHYS1215, and PHYS2210 and PHYS2215
3 Credits

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