Degrees and Majors offered through the Communication Department

ENVS2540 - Hazardous Chemicals Handl/Safe

Spring 2018

This is a three-credit undergraduate course and is one in a series of undergraduate courses in Environmental Health and Safety. This course involves a great deal of reading and writing about hazardous chemicals, their use in the workplace, their effects on the environment, and their exposure hazards. Students will be expected to participate in specific hazardous chemical discussions that address their use in the industrial environment, regulatory requirements, human exposure hazards, and precautions that should be used when possible exposure exists.
Prerequisites: BIOL1310, BIOL1315, CHEM1210 and CHEM1215
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
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