Course Catalog

ISCM8210 - Advanced Research Design

Summer 2024: Doctora

Advanced Research Design for Information Systems and Communications This 2nd year course provides students with the knowledge and guidance to prepare a methodology chapter for their dissertation and to become researchers in information systems and communications. Students explore typical, current, and emerging research designs relevant to the field, while gaining a depth of understanding in specific approaches that can be used for their own dissertation research. The course enables students to write and argue for a study methodology including sections focused on research design and process, sampling, instrumentation, data collection procedures, data analysis, limitations, and research ethics. Students learn to critically examine the methodologies of published studies, their peers' proposals, and their own proposals to identify assumptions, examine suitability of approaches, and ensure the soundness of research. Through iterative cycles of writing, presenting, and feedback with the instructors, advisors, and peers as the audience, students refine their methodology chapters in preparation for their dissertation proposal defense.
3 Credits

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