Department of Engineering

The field of engineering requires problem-solvers to find solutions to challenges facing society. The Department of Engineering produces successful engineers in five specialty areas of the field, each providing an industry-relevant education enhanced with laboratory learning, internships, and co-op programs.

The department’s Learning Factory provides students with hands-on experience in design, testing, and manufacturing processes and equipment. This industrial-grade facility allows students to take a product from concept to reality using cutting-edge technology.

Undergraduate programs (Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering) within the department are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Mission Statement

The Department of Engineering will graduate students prepared in specialty areas of Engineering with a contemporary industry-relevant education that is enhanced with: experiential learning in laboratories, internships/co-op programs, skills for business success, skills for professional communication and practice of life-long learning.

Program Title Degree Availability
Academic Program - Undergraduate
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing (Manufacturing Engineering) B.S. Available - On Campus
Engineering B.S. (Biomedical concentration) B.S. Available - On Campus
Engineering B.S. (Industrial concentration) B.S. Available - On Campus
Engineering B.S. (Mechanical concentration) B.S. Available - On Campus
Engineering B.S. (Software concentration) B.S. Available - On Campus
Academic Program - Graduate
Engineering Management M.S. M.S. Available - On Campus