Residence Life
The Office of Residence Life promotes community and student development by creating a highly supportive, integrative environment of learners that enriches the overall collegiate experience of residential students. Through collaborative programs and services within the Division of Student Life, the department provides life-enriching opportunities that foster the intellectual, social, emotional, and personal growth and well-being of students.
The main office is located in Washington Hall. During the academic year, office hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. You can contact the Office of Residence Life by email at or by phone at 412-397-5252.
General Housing Information
- Housing Contract (RMU student academic year and summer housing)
- Residence Hall Amenities
- Housing Fees
- Guide to Residential Living 2024-2025
New Student Housing
- New Student Housing Options
- How to Request to Live with a Roommate
- Move-In Information for New Students
Returning Student Housing Selection
Summer Housing
- For Summer Intern Housing (Non-RMU Students) inquiries, please contact the Office of Residence Life at 412-397-5252 or by email to
- Additional Information
Information for Parents/Guardians