The Center for Innovative Teaching (CIT) is a faculty driven program designed to promote faculty growth in their teaching.
The CIT provides resources for faculty to explore a variety of pedagogical and research based opportunities to help students achieve their goals at Robert Morris University.
Richard G. Fuller, D.Ed.
Director, Center for Innovative Teaching
Nicole Carlins
Instructional Designer and CIT Administration Coordinator
Alicia Cassels
Assistant Director & Instructional Designer
Shannon Konek
Instructional Designer
Please feel free to contact any of us in the CIT for assistance.
The CIT focuses on the six key areas of practice that include:
- New Faculty Orientation and Support
- Innovative Teaching and Technology,
- Culturally Responsive Practices and Peer Collaboration,
- Pedagogical Research and Effective Teaching, and
- Communities of Practice
- Needs Assessment and Quality Assurance

Additional CIT Information and Resources
- CIT Structure
- Oversees all activities and works with Operational Board and Advisory Board to plan and execute activities of the CIT.
- Manages budget and pedagogical research awards and professional development travel.
- Ensures outcomes assessment and prepares annual report.
Assistant Director
- Assists in overseeing and executing the activities and operations of the CIT.
- Works with the CIT Instructional Designers for both online and on ground to assist faculty development.
- Will conduct 1 on 1 sessions to support individual faculty growth and serve as a resource for faculty classroom pedagogy and design.
- Assists in coordinating the Operations Board, the Advisory Board and the Academic Technology Council.
Advisory Board Members
- Advise operational board and coordinator on a regular basis
- Work with operational board and coordinator on program activities
Instructional Designer Roles
- Assist full and part-time faculty in translating content into appropriate and effective instruction in traditional face to face, online synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
- Assist with online course design mapping to assist in development of online course based on RMU’s processes and guidelines.
- Assess online course creation quality via Quality Matters in terms of design, writing, editing; identify and provide for corrective action when needed.
- Assist full and part-time faculty in navigating the course management system in order to understand content application and utilization within all course delivery modalities.
- Develop and deliver training programs to both full and part-time faculty.
- Assist with conducting needs assessments to ascertain appropriate CIT training and development priorities.
- Assist with conducting program evaluations.
- Consult with faculty in one on one sessions with full and part-time faculty to assist with instructional design.
Operational Board Members
- Diane Frndak, SNEHS, New Faculty Support
- John Zeanchock, SNEHS and SIHSS, Innovative Teaching and Technology
- Matt Mauer, SEMS, Reflective Practice and Teaching Circles
- Shamika Zyhier, SNEHS, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Formative Peer Review
- Jim Shock, SBUS, Pedagogical Research and Effective Teaching
Advisory Board Members
- Eliada Griffin, Director, Massey Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Associate Professor of Management, SBUS
- Benjamin Campbell, Associate Professor of Engineering, SEMS
- Ann Jabro, University Professor of Communication, SIHSS
- Greg Krivacek, Assistant Professor of Accounting, SBUS
- Ersem Karadog, Professor of Hospitality and Tourism- Sport Management SBUS
- Monmohan Chaubey, Assistant Professor of Management, SBUS
- Janice Sarasnick, Associate Professor of Nursing, SNEHS
- Nadine Englert, Associate Dean, SNEHS, Professor of Nursing
- Maria Kalevitch, Dean SEMS, Associate Provost for Innovation and Academic Outreach, University Professor of Biology
- Jacqueline Klentzin Liaison and Campus Engagement Librarian University Professor
- Pat Litzinger Director, Corporate Programs and Continuing Education, Professor of Economics, SIHSS
- Albana Ivanova Associate Professor of Management SBUS
- Diane Frndak, Assistant Professor of Health Services Administration SNEHS
- Tim Jones Director, Academic Media Center, Assistant Professor of Media Arts SIHSS
- Prasad Vemala Venkata Siva, Associate Dean, Asst Professor of Management SBUS
- Phillip Miller, Chief Information Officer
- Richard Mills, Professor of Hospitality and Tourism SBUS
- Sarah Moore, Manager, RMU Outreach and Innovation Center
- Anthony Moretti, Associate Professor of Communication
- Pedagogical Resources
- CIT Google Sites Repository – The CIT maintains an active professional development Google Site that houses and archives a number of highly relevant seminars with several new posts and micro videos created by the instructional designers and some of our fellow faculty members. If you have not visited the Google Sites recently, it houses or archives a plethora of recent and past CIT seminars that you can review at your leisure.
- RMU Course Equivalencies
- CIT Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board Minutes
- March 2022
- February 2022
- September 2021
- March 2021
- February 2021
- November 2020
- September 2020
- February 2020
- November 2019
- September 2019
- March 2019
- February 2019
- November 2018
- September 2018
Academic Technology Council Minutes
- Communities of Practice
- The CIT maintains and works with a number of new and ongoing Communities of Practice that change as needed on a semester basis. These Communities of Practice serve as a platform for faculty to share and gather new ideas, discussing pertinent and relative practices of interest. For a complete list of active Communities of Practice, or if you are interested in participating in or leading a group, please contact Matthew Maurer at
- Data Driven Advising and Navigate
For helpful walkthrough guides on topics such as Setting Availability and Keeping Attendance with Navigate, you can also access the Navigate resources directly using this link.
- Faculty Advising Handbook
Attached is the new Faculty Advising Handbook. Here you will find valuable resources to assist you as you advise students in a number of key areas. This manual will be updated at the beginning of each semester to reflect the current changes within the university.