Joe Walton Stadium Rules

General Stadium Information

Robert Morris University athletic events provide an avenue for the university to meet its core values of excellence, community, and learning. Many university events, including those sponsored by the Athletic Department, permit the admission of only those individuals with appropriate credentials such as tickets, passes, or specific identification cards. We are also cognizant that some of these events, such as football, involve the social and festive atmosphere associated with tailgating. Tailgating is considered a small gathering of patrons participating in a picnic atmosphere that is served from the tailgate or trunk of a vehicle prior to a football game or special designated event. To enable the University to protect the rights and the safety of those attending, the following policies and procedures will apply to all home football games.

Tailgating Procedures and Restrictions

An area has been established for tailgating known as “TAILGATE ALLEY” in the Washington Gravel Parking Lot on campus. Tailgating or barbeque grills of any kind are NOT permitted in any other areas of campus. Tailgate Alley will be used for tailgaters only on the day of home football games, opening two hours prior to kickoff, and ending no later than one hour after the game has commenced. Please check scheduled game times.

Vehicle traffic will be shut down into the tailgate area an hour and a half before the start of the game for pedestrian safety.

Tailgaters are responsible for cleaning up the area prior to leaving the University property with the use of the provided trash receptacles. Grill coals must be disposed of in an appropriate container provided in the tailgate area. Fans found tailgating in other parts of the campus will be requested to move to the designated area for tailgating and provided with a copy of the restrictions.

All tailgaters and spectators must conduct themselves in a manner which ensures the safety and enjoyment of others. Abusive and/or disruptive behavior will NOT be tolerated.

Consumption of alcohol will be limited to persons of legal age (21+) and in all cases, possession or consumption of alcohol must be in full compliance with applicable Pennsylvania State Laws and University Policy.

DRINKING FROM GLASS CONTAINERS OR CANS IS NOT PERMITTED in any parking lots or the stadium during game days. Whatever is consumed must be poured into a paper or plastic container. Alcoholic drinking games, funneling or any other activities deemed inappropriate by the University are prohibited. Kegs, beer balls or other common source containers are prohibited on campus, including tailgating areas based on University policy.

Joe Walton Alcohol Policy

Alcohol is not permitted within the stadium and all persons entering the stadium are subject to a reasonable check of personal bags, purses, coats etc. Anyone found in possession of alcoholic beverages and/or other items deemed dangerous or inappropriate by the University will be refused admission to the game. Any individual found in possession of said items or engaging in abusive and/or disruptive behavior inside the stadium will be evicted from the stadium and will bot be allowed to re-enter the stadium for at least the remainder of the day in which the game is held. Failure to follow these rules and regulations may result in eviction from the campus, and may lead to judicial action involving University rules, local and/or state criminal action.

  • No Glass Containers of any kind.
  • All bags, backpacks and purses are subject to search and could delay entry into the stadium.
  • No umbrellas.
  • No artificial noise makers or air horns.
  • The athletic department reserves the right to ask guests to move or remove banners/signs.
  • No oversized stadium seats.
  • The throwing of objects from the stands is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate removal.
  • Fans violating any of the above rules are subject to EJECTION from Joe Walton Stadium.

Smoking Area

There is NO SMOKING in the stands or plaza area of the stadium. Smoking areas are available at both ends of the main complex building only. Ash tray receptacles have been provided. Please help keep the area clean.

Parking for Football Games

Complimentary parking is available during game days on a first come first served basis. Please adhere to the police officers directions when entering campus. Parking lots are filled up in a manner that accommodates large amounts of vehicles. Please be patient and allow extra time to arrive early for the games.

Resident students have been asked to move their vehicles for football games. All patrons should remove their vehicle from campus prior to 6:00 P.M. to accommodate those students being able to get back into their reserved spaces.

Emergencies and First Aid

If you need emergency assistance while on campus or attending a sporting event look for an event staff person or uniformed police officer. The Police Department can be reached by calling 412-397-2424.