AICUP Scholarships
Robert Morris University is happy to promote the following scholarships through AICUP (Association of Independent Colleges & Universities). Please note – RMU’s Deadline for consideration is May 30, 2025. Applications received after that date will not be reviewed. **Please do not submit an application directly to AICUP.
The Commonwealth Good Citizen Scholarship - There will be (11) $2,000 scholarships awarded by AICUP. This scholarship is reserved for students who have shown an extraordinary commitment to community service, and who have demonstrated creativity in shaping their volunteer activities. RMU will review all submitted applications and nominate one for further consideration of the award. AICUP will make final selections.
The McLean Scholarship for Nursing Majors - Every AICUP institution who offers a nursing or a physician assistant program is eligible. There will be (8) $4,750 scholarships awarded. RMU will review all submitted applications and nominate two for further consideration of the award. AICUP will make final selections.
Completed applications should be returned to the Financial Aid Office by May 30, 2025 via