
Digital Media

RMU Library considers campus-wide, multi-user, individually-purchased or subscription-based digital media streaming access from established vendors.

Faculty requests for individual digital media titles are considered if:

  • Campus-wide licensing is available and not cost-prohibitive
  • Video is for instructional purposes specifically related to curricular goals
  • Video is obtained through an established media vendor that provides hosting of digital media or alternative digital media hosting is allowable and available
  • Video content is captioned.  

As with eBooks, Evidence-based Acquisition (EBA) and Demand-driven acquisition (DDA) media purchasing models through a library consortia or media vendors provide another viable avenue for offering digital media content.

Subscription-Based Digital Media Packages

Digital media subscriptions are another means of offering media access. Evaluation criteria for subscriptions to digital media packages follow much of the same criteria outlined under the section, Ongoing Commitments: Subscription-Based resources.

DVD Resources

Faculty/Curriculum Media Acquisitions

Materials acquired for this collection follow similar criteria as those for monographs.  With the goal of providing support for the curriculum and teaching functions, collection development is largely driven by the expressed needs of the teaching faculty.

Popular Media Acquisitions

Items added to this collection consist of new and popular DVDs aimed at general audiences for recreational and leisure use.  Financial resources for this collection are provided to the RMU Library by the Office of Student Life.  Selection decisions are based largely on user requests and popularity.