MARK4906-A Internship/Co-Op

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Registration begins Monday, Mar 18, 2024

School of Business

Term: Summer 2024
Session: Full Term (May 13 - Aug 23)
Start Date: Monday, May 13, 2024
End Date: Friday, Aug 23, 2024
Availability: On Campus
Day(s): Tues.
Time: to

Internship provides opportunities to combine the student's work experience with the academic program. Internship will allow students to apply the techniques learned in the classroom and give the students the opportunity to sharpen leadership skills. For more information contact Career Services Department to apply for the program and the Academic Department Heads or Faculty Coordinator for more information about the program. Internship/Co-op credits are non-business elective courses. A total of 12 credits of the non-business elective can be used for internship/Co-Op program. ( Completed MARK3100 72 credits earned and 2.25 QPA)Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Head6 Credits