Education M.S.

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Available - Online
Program Credits

The online Master of Science in Education is a comprehensive degree program designed to empower already certified educators and other professionals with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to excel in today’s educational and professional settings.

Our program places strong emphasis on understanding and applying evidence-based teaching and learning practices, and is perfect for current educators, educational consultants, corporate trainers, researchers, community educators, and others seeking to advance their expertise and impact in their professions.

For teachers, the degree can be paired with or without principal certification, and allows teachers (with 3+ years of teaching experience) to apply for their Level II certification.

Our program fosters student-focused, inclusive learning environments. You’ll learn how to apply instructional and assessment strategies, address student needs, and develop stronger interpersonal relationships. Additionally, the research strand actively equips students who may be interested in pursuing a future terminal degree.

Enhanced Career Prospects

Earning a Master’s degree shows a commitment to advanced and in-depth study. Our Master of Science in Education requires coursework in advanced educational practice as well as courses in research. The Master of Science in Education will help you build expertise and advance your knowledge of pedagogy and assessment, teacher leadership, teaching different learners, and addressing the social and emotional needs of students. Current teachers can apply credits towards their Level 2 certification. 

Comprehensive Curriculum

Students enrolled in the Master of Science in Education will earn 30 graduate credits:

  • 12 core credits in advance educational practice
  • 9 credits in a research core
  • 9 credits of education electives

Contact Information

Mary A. Hansen, Ph.D.    
University Professor of Education

Curriculum Details

AREA I – Research Core (9 Credits Required)

EDUC 6065    Educational Statistics
EDUC 6130    Educational Research Seminar
EDUC 6140    Education Capstone (15 Week Course)

AREA II – Advanced Educational Practice (21 Credits)

12 Credits Required
EDUC 6060    Curriculum Design and Assessment
EDUC 6120    Instructional Leadership
EDUC 6620    Advanced Techniques in Online Instruction
EDUC 6800    Integrating Social Emotional Learning

9 Credits Electives    
EDUC/SDIN/TESL 6000 level departmentally-approved elective
EDUC/SDIN/TESL 6000 level departmentally-approved elective
EDUC/SDIN/TESL 6000 level departmentally-approved elective

Flexible Learning Formats

The courses in the Master of Science in Education will be exclusively online, providing flexibility for working professionals earning their degree. Instructors incorporate synchronous learning sessions to ensure real-time interaction and engagement.

Application Process

To apply, candidates must submit the following through the RMU website:

  • Graduate admission application: 
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended.
  • Two letters of recommendation on company letterhead.
  • Current resume

Take the Next Step!

Continue your educational journey today by earning your Master of Science in Education at Robert Morris University!

Apply Now

Sample Courses:

These are some of the classes for students in this academic program:

Curriculum Design and Assessment
Advanced Techniques in Online Instruction
Integrating Social Emotional Learning

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