English Literature Minor

Program Credits

The English Literature minor develops soft skills for students who are not dedicated writers:

  • Communication Skills: these courses strengthen skills in reading, interpretation, writing, and presentation. 
  • Critical Thinking: upper-division literature courses focus on translating complicated or messy communications into clear narratives and in understanding how to frame and reframe positions according to the speakers’ or listeners’ agendas. 
  • Emotional Intelligence: the heart of literary interpretation is understanding others’ point of view, values, desires, and blind spots. Literary interpretation finds the structures behind seemingly random communication and so reveals hidden motivations or purposes. 
  • Negotiation/ Persuasion: literature coursework explores persuasive elements in communication and practices persuasion and negotiation in class and in assignments.  

An attractive part of this minor is the opportunity for students to customize their courses, within limits. They may focus on British Literature or American Literature or mix the two. They may focus on early literature or more modern literature.

In addition to two breadth courses, students take two depth courses. All courses are 3 credits.

Course Information

3 - Credits of ENGL 2000: The Study of Literature
This course acts as the gateway to other courses in this minor.
Pre-req: None

6 - Credits of breadth:
ENGL 3080 American Literature to 1865
ENGL 3090 American Literature from 1865 to the present
ENGL 3120 British Literature to 1789
ENGL 3130 British Literature from 1789 to the Present
Pre-req: ENGL 2000

6 - Credits of breadth:
ENGL 3041 Spec Topics in Lit: Selected Poets
ENGL 3042 Spec Topics in Lit: Selected American Authors
ENGL 3050 Spec Topics in Lit: Major British/ Irish authors
ENGL 3060 Spec Topics in Lit: Drama
ENGL 3070 Spec Topics in Lit: Classic Novels
ENGL 2520 Dramatic Art of Shakespeare
Pre-req: None