2024 ACCOUNTING DAY Registration is Open!
Time to sign up for 2024 Accounting Day! The annual signature recruiting and networking event exclusively for RMU Accounting students is back with 22+ employers representing accounting firms, corporations, and government agencies.

We encourage your participation on Wednesday, 9/04/2024, from 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the UPMC Events Center, 4th Floor Conference Center. Register to attend now!
Industry leaders in accounting will participate in panel discussions focusing on career opportunities and success stories, and the event will conclude with a meet-and-greet networking session. Employers who are confirmed to participate are: BNY Mellon, PNC, DiNuzzo Wealth Management, The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), PwC, KPMG, Ernst & Young (EY), Deloitte, Schneider Downs, HBK CPAs & Consultants, Grossman Yanak & Ford, FORVIS, BDO, Sisterson, Louis Plung & Company, Baker Tilly, DGPerry, and S. R. Snodgrass.
Registration is required and ends on September 3, 2024.