10th Annual Integrity First Workshop, a Success!

On March 30, the 10th Annual Integrity First Workshop was successfully held as a webinar, giving RMU students the opportunity to hear from past scholarship recipients, witness the presentation of this year’s recipients, and take part in discussions on integrity.
Rande and Georgia Somma, the generous donors of the scholarships, displayed their passion of imploring “young people to value their honor and integrity,” far beyond a monetary donation by triggering relevant workplace discussions centered around integrity.
The event included three panel discussions moderated by RMU graduate, Patrick Beam, that included the earliest scholarship recipients, most recent scholarship recipients, and multiple scholarship recipients. The topics of the discussions were: ethical dilemmas in the workplace, future of ethics, and a retrospective look at the Integrity First Workshop. Each panel discussion included an interactive poll for attendees and the results were discussed by Dean Patrick and Mr. and Mrs. Somma.
After the panel discussions, Mr. and Mrs. Somma, along with Dean Patrick, presented this year’s recipients with their scholarship, and each recipient made remarks on how they went about constructing their submissions. This year’s recipients were:
Alexei Fleck, Melanie Hulse, Nicole Kristof, Nathan Mickey, Leah Marino, and James Peli.
Recipients who participated in the panel discussions include:
Andre Coiro, Roberto DaSilva, Melanie Hulse, Michael Jandrastis, Matthew Juergens, Nicole Kristof, Gregorio LeDonne, Katie Marseille, Samantha Medasie, Nathan Mickey, Luke Mohamed, Tyler Montabon, Daniel Oberst, Schaely Renfrew, Nicholas Skinner, Steven Tessaro, and Donald Valentine.
We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Somma for their continued generosity and passion, the current and past recipients who attended, and all of those involved in making the evening successful.