
School of Data Intelligence and Technology


Frank X. Hartle III D.Sc.

Associate Dean
Associate Professor of Computer and Information Systems and Criminal Justice

Department Heads

Hudak, David

Department Head, Mathematics
Professor of Actuarial Science and Mathematics
Specialties: Statistics, actuarial science

Pinchot, Jamie

Department Head, Computer and Information Systems
Professor of Computer and Information Systems


Ambrosini, Robert

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Juvenile female offending, targeted violence, rapport-based interviewing, motivational interviewing, cybercrime profiling.

Baugh, Jeanne

University Professor of Computer and Information Systems
Programming languages and database management

Bromall, Natalya

Associate Professor
Cloud services, application development, cyber security

combs, adam

Assistant Professor of Statistics
Specialties: Bayesian statistics, Item Response Theory

Davis, Gary Alan

Professor of Computer and Information Systems
Computer, digital, and mobile forensics; data and business analytics; data science

Donoghue, Kathleen

Senior Lecturer of Mathematics
Online learning, education, mathematics

Draus, Peter

University Professor
Interface design, quantitative decision making, machine instructions

Elfen, Heather

Associate Professor of Mathematics
Functional equations defined on abstract structures

Groendyke, Christophe

Professor of Actuarial Science
Disease dynamics, computationally intensive statistical inference, regime-switching

Holdan, E. Gregory

Professor of Mathematics and Education
Mathematics education, reflection, learning and teaching style

Lias, Allen

Professor of Mathematics
Teaching and learning of mathematics

Mishra, Sushma

Associate Professor of Computer and Information Systems
Information systems security, IT gender gap, health informatics

Paullet, Karen

Mobile forensics and security, cyber forensics and security

Pinchot, Jamie

Professor of Computer and Information Systems
Mobile app development, information security, web development

Renfro, Allen

Senior Lecturer of Mathematics
Teaching and learning of mathematics and applied mathematics

Stewart, John

Data analytics, spreadsheet modeling, machine learning

Wang, Ping

University Professor
Cybersecurity, information assurance, networking

Wang, Wenli

University Professor
IS management and design, cybersecurity and intelligence

Wu, Peter Y.

Professor of Computer and Information Systems
Software engineering, database management, spatial data science

Zhao, Qian

Associate Professor of Actuarial Science
Actuarial science, robust statistics, mathematical modeling