Greek Life
The RMU fraternity and sorority experience is nationally-recognized for emphasizing three core experiences: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, LIFELONG SUPPORT, AND SERVICE TO OTHERS. For this reason, students in RMU Greek Life are more likely to stay enrolled at RMU, earn higher GPAs, complete more areas of the Student Engagement Transcript, are more likely to graduate on time, and more likely to give back to RMU.
Act 80 of 2018, the Timothy Piazza Anti-hazing Law Report: Anti-Hazing Report January 2025
Sorority Recruitment Registration
- List of Sororities
- Fraternity Recruitment
RMU fraternity chapters hold membership recruitment events throughout the calendar year to introduce prospective members to the benefits of membership in a national collegiate fraternal organization. Male students interested in learning more about membership in a national fraternity are welcome and encouraged to attend these events to become better acquainted with the RMU chapters, their activities, and members.
The RMU Interfraternity Council is a chartered member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. This charter includes a commitment to the following common standards related to recruitment:
- Minimum 2.50 college GPA (2.50 high school GPA if a first-semester freshman) and be a registered full time (12 credit hours) undergraduate student at Robert Morris University
- Alcohol-free recruitment and new member education activities
- New member education programs
- Elimination of hazing
- Support open recruitment (no deadlines on when students may be invited to join a fraternity)
Contact Information
For students interested in more information about joining a fraternity at RMU, please contact
- Sorority Recruitment
Joining a Panhellenic sorority is one of the best choices you can make at Robert Morris University! Sororities hold membership recruitment events each semester to introduce prospective members to their organizations. Students interested in learning more about sorority life are encouraged to attend these events to become better acquainted with the organizations, their activities and members.
Sorority Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a registered full-time (12 credit hours) undergraduate student at Robert Morris University
- Meet chapter-specific GPA requirement (lowest is a 2.50 overall GPA high school or RMU)
- Individual chapters reserve the right to have higher standards for selection of members
Fall Semester (Primary Recruitment)
Events are scheduled for three consecutive evenings. Potential new members of sororities are expected to attend each night of fall primary recruitment. Invitations of membership are extended on "Bid Day," which marks the final day of the formal recruitment period. There is a $10 fee to register for sorority recruitment that covers the cost of administering the process. Registration is at
Throughout the recruitment period, the Panhellenic Council sponsors several events outside of fall primary recruitment to allow women to meet sorority members and learn about their accomplishments in academics, leadership, and service to others.
Description of Each Fall Primary Recruitment Round:
Thursday: Open House
An informal environment where women are going to attend all four sororities and introduce themselves to the sisters. Do not be afraid to ask questions about the sorority or Greek Life in general! You must visit each sorority. Keeping an open mind is the key to discovering where you belong. The main goal of this round is to allow women to see each chapter as they meet and mingle with actual chapter members as an introduction to Greek Life.
Dress is casual. We'll provide you with a t-shirt that all PNMs will wear for this evening.
Questions to Ask Yourself to Prepare for Open House:
- Would I like to get to know these women better?
- Were the sisters pleasant and friendly
- Did I feel welcome here?
Friday: Philanthropy Round
During this round, you will visit as many as three sororities. The sororities speak about the charities and causes they support and the events they sponsor throughout the year to raise money for these causes. Potential new members will learn why that certain cause is so important to the chapters and how they can make a difference.
The dress attire is smart-casual or snappy casual.
Questions to Ask Yourself to Prepare for the Philanthropy Round:
- Do I feel comfortable with these women?
- Do I feel drawn to this philanthropy?
- What can I gain from membership in this group?
- What can I contribute to this chapter?
Saturday: Preference Round
For the final round, women will visit one or two chapters. This round is called Preference Round because at the end of the night, potential new members will sign a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA) and choose which sorority chapter(s) they prefer. This is the last chance to learn about the chapters and ask any remaining questions or address any remaining concerns before placement.
The dress attire is semi-professional.
Questions to Ask Yourself to Prepare for Preference Round:
- Do I see myself being lifelong friends with these women?
- Does this organization seem like something I could commit to for the rest of my life?
- How do I see my life changing by committing to this values-based sorority?
Sunday: Bid Day
Bid Day is the conclusion of the recruitment process.
The dress attire for bid day is semi-casual. You can wear weather appropriate clothing such as jeans, shorts, and your choice of shirt. Any student not participating in Bid Day will be contacted by the Panhellenic Council in advance.
Continuous Open Bidding (COB):
After Primary Recruitment there may be opportunities to explore joining a sorority through a more informal process. Please note that not all chapters may have COB activities.
Contact Information:
For students interested in more information about joining a sorority at RMU, please contact
- Interfraternity Council
We, the Interfraternity Council, exist to promote the shared interests and values of our member fraternities: leadership, service, brotherhood, and scholarship. We believe in Fraternity and that the shared values of Fraternity drive the IFC to create better communities, better chapters, and better men.
We work to advance the academic mission of the host institution, to enable fraternal organizations to grow and thrive through collaboration and teamwork, to provide an outlet for self-governance and accountability, and to model and teach ethical leadership. In a spirit of mutual support and betterment, we, the men of the Interfraternity Council, pledge to elevate the Ritual and the values of the member organizations.
As a chartered council of the North-American Interfraternity Conference, we pledge ourselves to the following standards:
New Member Eligibility & Experience
2.50 GPA for membership eligibility (High School or College)
Alcohol-free recruitment and new member education activities
New member education programs limited to 12 weeks or less
Strict prohibition of hazing
Supporting Academic Excellence
Minimum 2.70 chapter cumulative GPA
Promote faculty involvement with chapters
Report academic and membership statistics to the North-American Interfraternity Conference as requested
Member Safety
Risk management policies that address alcohol, drugs, hazing, sexual assault, harassment, and fire safety
Prohibition of auxiliary groups, such as little sisters
Establish and adhere to judicial procedures that respect organizational due process
All events with alcohol must be BYOB for 21+ only and prohibit alcohol above 15% ABV or must utilize a hired bartending service on a "cash bar" basis only
Community building
Support year-round member recruitment and open expansion in partnership with RMU
Provide educational programming related to academic achievement, alcohol and drug use, career preparation, civic engagement, hazing prevention, leadership development, sexual assault awareness/prevention, and values/ethics
Executive Committee
An executive board of officers is elected each year to oversee the activities of the member organizations. IFC holds weekly meetings during the academic year, oversees the membership recruitment process, and coordinates educational, service and community building activities.
The President is the leader of the Council and is responsible to serve as the chief student representative of the fraternity community to the university and surrounding community. The IFC President serves as the chairman of all council meetings, appoints all regular and special committees and members, and provides leadership to ensure the implementation of the mission and vision of both the Council and University. The president appoints IFC's liaisons to other councils and SGA.
Vice President of Fraternity Standards
The Vice President of Finance supervises the council's finances and serves as chair of the IFC Finance Committee. He manages the council's budget and with the IFC Advisor is the manager of the council bank account and coordinates SGA budget proposals. He also serves as secretary of the council by managing the IFC e-mail account and taking minutes at meetings.
Vice President of Recruitment
The Vice President of Recruitment serves as the chair of the IFC Recruitment Committee and oversees all Council efforts to assist fraternities with new member recruitment.
Vice President of Operations
The Vice President of Finance supervises the council's finances and serves as chair of the IFC Finance Committee. He manages the council's budget and with the IFC Advisor is the manager of the council bank account and coordinates SGA budget proposals. He also serves as secretary of the council by managing the IFC e-mail account and taking minutes at meetings.
Vice President of Scholarship
The Vice President of Scholarship coordinates academic support for fraternity members through member fraternity scholarship officers. He collects and distributes information about campus academic services such as tutors, writing assistance, career counseling, and academic support. The Vice President of Scholarship also builds relationships with faculty, academic offices, and academic honor societies.
Vice President of Programming
The Vice President of Programming coordinates all programming efforts for IFC member fraternities: alcohol and drug use, career preparation, civic engagement, hazing prevention, leadership development, sexual assault awareness/prevention, and values/ethics. The VP of Programming also coordinates fraternity intramural leagues, fraternity sports tournaments, and Greek Week.
Vice President of External Relations
The Vice President of External Relations serves as public relations coordinator for the IFC. He manages the council social media accounts and oversees all marketing campaigns related to the IFC fraternity experience at RMU. He is the liaison to RMU Sentry Media.
- RMU Interfraternity Council Constitution & Bylaws
- North American Interfraternity Conference
- Northeast Greek Leadership Association
- North American Interfraternity Conference Alcohol & Drug Guidelines
- Panhellenic Association
We, as undergraduate members of women's fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.
We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.
Panhellenic Association Executive Board
An executive board of officers is elected each year to oversee the activities of the member sorority chapters. The Panehllenic Association holds weekly meetings during the academic year, oversees the membership recruitment process, and coordinates educational, service and community building activities.
The President is the leader of the Panhellenic Association and is responsible to serve as the chief student representative of the fraternity community to the university and surrounding community. The Panhellenic President serves as the chairman of all council meetings, appoints all regular and special committees and members, and provides leadership to ensure the implementation of the mission and vision of both the Council and University.
Vice President of Panhellenic Standards
The Vice President of Panhellenic Standards is responsible for judiciary violations of the NPC Unanimous Agreements, the Panhellenic Constitution, Bylaws, Membership Recruitment rules/guidelines, Panhellenic Code of Ethics, and other Panhellenic Standing Rules. She serves as Chairperson of the Judicial Board and presides over judicial hearings. She coordinates training of Judicial Board members with the Panhellenic Advisor. She also assists the Greek community in understanding and implementing effective risk management policies and procedures.
Vice President of Recruitment
The Vice President of Recruitment is responsible for and oversees all Panhellenic open and formal recruitment activities and events. She is responsible for recruitment publication efforts, Panhellenic recruitment registration, and revision of recruitment rules. She recruits and trains Recruitment Counselors and works with the Panhellenic Advisor to track necessary records and data related to recruitment.
Vice President of Operations
The Vice President of Operations serves as secretary of the organization and prepares and maintains the Panhellenic Association budget, bills and collects Council dues, and manages the Panhellenic Association bank account.
Vice President of Programming
The Vice President of Programming develops best practices for new member and member education programs for member sororities. She assists the Panhellenic Association Advisor to collect and report new member retention, academic, and involvement statistics. She also develops any collective new member education programs and any additional programs for initiated sorority members on academic achievement, alcohol consumption, career preparation, civic engagement, hazing, leadership development, sexual assault/abuse, and values and ethics.
Vice President of External Relations
The Vice President of External Relations develops service projects and philanthropic events for member sororities as well as work with IFC. The Vice President of External Relations works with the Panhellenic Association Advisor to collect and disseminate information on the sorority community to all campus and community media resources and stakeholders.
- RMU Panhellenic Association Constitution & Bylaws
- National Panhellenic Conference
- Northeast Greek Leadership Association
- Circle of Sisterhood (RMU Panhellenic Council Philanthropic Partner)
- National Pan-Hellenic Council
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) at Robert Morris University is currently composed of one out of the nine of the International Greek letter Sororities and Fraternities within The National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. The chapter is advised through the Dean of Students Office.
NPHC promotes interaction through forums, meetings and other mediums for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives through various activities and functions.
On May 10, 1930, on the campus of Howard University, in Washington DC, the National Pan-Hellenic Council was formed as a permanent organization with the following charter members: Omega Psi Phi and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternities, and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta and Zeta Phi Beta Sororities. In 1931, Alpha Phi Alpha and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternities joined the Council. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority joined in 1937 and Iota Phi Theta Fraternity completed the list of member organizations in 1997.
The stated purpose and mission of the organization in 1930 was “Unanimity of thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek letter collegiate fraternities and sororities, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations.” Early in 1937, the organization was incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois and became known as “The National Pan-Hellenic Council, Incorporated.”
- 1906 Cornell University - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
- 1908 Howard University - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
- 1911 Indiana University - Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
- 1911 Howard University - Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
- 1913 Howard University - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
- 1914 Howard University - Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
- 1920 Howard University - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
- 1922 Butler University - Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
- 1963 Morgan State University - Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
- National Pan-Hellenic Council Incorporated
- Northeast Greek Leadership Association
- Order of Omega
The Order of Omega is a leadership honor society. Members are chosen from Greek-letter, social organizations in order to recognize those students who have attained a high level of leadership in inter-Greek activities. Furthermore, it is organized to encourage members to continue along this line and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment. The Order of Omega was founded at the University of Miami in the fall of 1959. Since that time, more than 300 campuses have been honored with the establishment of a chapter.
The Iota Gamma Chapter at Robert Morris University was chartered in April of 1988 and continues to fulfill its standards of high quality and positive representation throughout the campus. More than 300 leaders from RMU fraternities and sororities have been initiated into the Order of Omega since 1988.
As the organization is an honor society, eligibility is as follows:
- One full academic year at RMU;
- Sophomore, Junior, or Senior (undergraduate standing);
- Be in good standing with the initiate's fraternal organization.
Selection of applicants is completed by initiated members of the organization considering the following areas:
- Character
- Scholarship
- Greek offices held
- Greek participation
- Service to University
- Service to the local community
Membership recruitment and selection takes place each spring semester. For more information on joining Order of Omega, contact chapter advisor Maureen Keefer at
- Order of Omega Application
- Order of Omega National Organization
- Parents
Information for Parents & Families
We're proud of RMU's national reputation for a positive student experience in Greek Life and we're excited that your student may be interested in joining one of our sixteen social fraternities and sororities.
To report unethical behavior by a fraternity or sorority, click HERE.
I'm new to this - what exactly is Greek Life?
When we talk about "Greek Life" we're referring to the 14 social fraternities and sororities recognized by RMU. Traditionally, fraternities are oath-based social clubs for men and sororities are similarly arranged for women. Some sororities may use the term 'fraternity' because they were founded prior to the popularization of the term 'sorority'.
Each fraternity and sorority chapter at RMU is a local franchise of a national or international organization. Just like the local fast food franchise, your student's chapter is responsible to the inter/national headquarters on standards, policy, and values. While each inter/national organization operates bit different, they each have gone through an extensive process to do business on our campus. Chapters may have several local alumni working with the chapter.
Membership is competitive and selective. While the national office may provide guidelines for member selection, it is ultimately up to the students to decide who is invited to join. RMU does not involve itself in how a group may select members but prohibits chapters from discriminating on the basis of race, ethnicity,
What do RMU fraternities and sororities do?
Fraternities and sororities at RMU are quite possibly the most active organizations outside of our NCAA athletic teams. Chapters are expected to hold service, charity, social, and educational programs each semester and each chapter determines the frequency of events in each of those areas. On average, your student should expect to contribute two to four hours per week for chapter meetings and activities. If your student has the time, they can also choose to participate in optional activities, such as holding an office, attending social events, helping out with various projects, serving on committees, etc. Some organizations require more time than others. Advise your student to ask questions regarding time commitments during recruitment.
How much does this cost?
Joining a fraternity or sorority will include a financial commitment. Each individual Greek organization requires their new members and members to pay dues each semester. These fees collected by the chapter include national dues, insurance fees, and local chapter dues which pay for activities and events.
Will this affect my student's grades?
Academics should be your student's number one focus while in college. RMU requires students have a 2.50 cumulative GPA (high school if a first semester freshman) to join Greek Life but several chapters have higher minimum GPAs to join. Each individual chapter has an elected member who is responsible for keeping track of members and their academic performance. Furthermore, many fraternities and sororities have educational programs, such as tutoring and study sessions, which can assist the entire chapter in excelling academically. Make sure your student realizes that they must maintain a minimum standard to remain an active member of the chapter.
What about chapter houses?
Most safety concerns related to fraternities and sororities are centered in fraternity and sorority houses. Currently there are no fraternity or sorority chapter houses on or off campus. In most cases, incidents in fraternity houses at other schools are directly related to the lack of adult supervision of what occurs in those buildings. Many fraternity and sorority houses at other schools are private dwellings located outside of a college campus owned and operated by that chapter's alumni and offer no more security or oversight than an apartment building.
Several chapters arrange for a suite in Washington Hall to house up to ten members. While RMU considers the suite to be a space belonging to the ten residents, the national office of the fraternity or sorority may require certain additional terms related to occupancy and behavior. For example, a national office may require certain members to reside in the suite, prohibit alcohol regardless of member age, or prohibit overnight guests of the opposite gender.
What about alcohol, drugs, and hazing?
Many students come to RMU with the expectation that drinking alcohol and using illegal drugs are part of the college experience. While things like alcohol and hazing have an unfortunate history in fraternities and sororities, RMU absolutely prohibits hazing and misuse of alcohol as part of the fraternity and sorority experience.
All organizations are required to adhere to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law, the policies of their inter/national organization, and Robert Morris University policy. It is illegal in Pennsylvania and against RMU policy for those under age 21 to possess or consume alcohol. Additionally, hazing is a crime in Pennsylvania and strictly forbidden by both RMU and the national organization of each fraternity and sorority at RMU. To report unethical behavior by a fraternity or sorority, click HERE. - What Parents Need to Know About Hazing
What if I have a concern about my student's experience?
If you have a concern, we're here to help. Ask your student for the name and contact info of an advisor for their chapter. This may be an RMU employee or a local alumni member of the fraternity or sorority. If your student is unable to provide that information, please contact the RMU Dean of Students Office at 412-397-6483 or
We recommend making an honest attempt at addressing your concern with the local chapter volunteer structure before contacting the national office. In many cases, the best person to address your concern is probably a volunteer rather than an employee several states away.
If your student's safety is a concern, we absolutely want to know and can assist you as needed. Please report illegal activity by calling the RMU Police at 412-397-2424.
- Fraternity and Sorority Alumni
Alumni Support Opportunities
Robert Morris University agrees that fraternity and sorority membership is a lifelong experience and encourages our alumni to stay involved with their chapter. The university supports alumni involvement by coordinating with chapters on Homecoming tailgate parties or providing training for alumni volunteers serving chapters as advisors.
- Advisement - research shows that no matter the institution, relationships and mentoring matters most for students to be successful. We support all chapters in identifying and training alumni to serve the chapters as advisors and mentors. If you are interested in assisting your chapter on our campus, please contact your chapter's inter/national headquarters.
- Networking & Job/Internship Assistance - the university believes fraternity and sorority membership is a lifelong commitment and we wish to support fraternity and sorority members connect with current students to assist with professional networking and assistance with placement for internships and employment. If you are interested in Greek alumni networking events or would like to assist current students in fraternity and sorority chapters find internships or professional employment, please contact the Dean of Students Office.
- Financial Support - for those alumni who wish to financially support the fraternity/sorority experience at RMU, there are several ways you can designate your financial donation to the university to honor your experience. Unfortunately, at this time the university can't accept gifts earmarked for a specific chapter. However, several chapters have scholarship endowments with RMU.
Fraternity & Sorority Leadership Fund
RMU alumni can now support their alma mater while also supporting the university's Greek community. The Fraternity & Sorority Leadership Fund provides program support for leadership development for RMU undergraduate students in a fraternity or sorority. The fund also supports student travel to national leadership conferences, funding to bring speakers or leadership programs to campus, and augment the registration costs of leadership conferences and national conventions.
For more information, please contact greeklife@rmuedu.
Fraternity/Sorority Related Scholarship Funds at RMU
- Alpha Chi Rho/Norbert K. Pietrzak Endowed Scholarship - Named in honor of Dr. Norbert Pietrzak, faculty-emeritus in biology and longtime advisor of Alpha Chi Rho fraternity.
- Alpha Phi Delta/Leon J. Panella Memorial Scholarship - Named in honor of Leon Panella, a member of Alpha Phi Delta fraternity and past president of its Pittsburgh Alumni Club.
- R. Eric Fonte Memorial Scholarship - Named in honor of Eric Fonte - better known as Doc - was an active member of Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity and the Interfraternity Council.
- Marco Giovengo Memorial Fund - Named in honor of Marco Giovengo, who was an active member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity.
- Phi Delta Theta/Michael R. Haines Memorial Scholarship - Named in honor of Mike Haines, who was a founding member of Phi Delta Theta's Pennsylvania Pi chapter at RMU and served as a member of the chapter's advisory board until his death.
- Shaun Pamfilie Memorial Scholarship - Named in honor of Shaun Pamfilie, who when he was a student was an active member of Kappa Delta Rho fraternity.
- Amanda Marie Werkmeister Memorial Scholarship - Named in honor of Amanda Werkmeister, an active member of Delta Zeta sorority.
- Dr. Rex Crawley Memorial Endowed Scholarship - Named in honor of the late Dr. Crawley who was an active member and advisor for Kappa Alpha Psi.
- Jordan Xavier Willis Memorial Scholarship - Named in honor of Jordan Willis who was an active brother of Delta Tau Delta.
- Stats and Information
University Assessment of Greek Life
Forms & Policies
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a fraternity/sorority?
A fraternity/sorority is a group of men or women bound together by brotherhood or sisterhood and common goals and aspirations. Though there are many different fraternities and sororities, they all share common founding principles. The ideals of lifelong friendship, academic excellence, service and charity toward others, and social development and interaction are what fraternity and sorority members strive to live by every day. Greek organizations enhance students’ educational experience by emphasizing intellectual, interpersonal, and social development. All fraternities and sororities at RMU are chapters (franchises) of a national or international (corporate) organization with a headquarters (business office). Each organization has agreed to advance and act by their stated core values while promoting those of RMU.
Which fraternities and sororities are at RMU?
Robert Morris University currently recognizes 12 Greek-letter social organizations on campus. Each chapter is also governed by one of the three (3) Greek councils; the Interfraternity Council (IFC), the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and the Panhellenic Council (PC). For more information about these chapters, please visit the chapter links on our site or contact
How much does it cost?
There are costs associated with membership in a fraternity or sorority chapter but these costs are reasonable considering the benefits. The fees will typically be higher during the semester you join but are often one-time initiation fees that cover costs associated with the membership badge, national application fees, and other related costs. The majority of fraternity and sorority dues cover obligations as a member of the inter/national organization such as operations costs, chapter support services, liability insurance for chapter events, and programs/events. NPHC ("Divine Nine") chapters typically have a one-time fee. Most chapters have payment plans or allow members to fundraise to cover membership costs.
How will being in a fraternity or sorority affect my grades?
Fraternities and sororities at RMU practice the RMU core value of Academic Excellence. Each chapter has a minimum GPA for membership and programs to support strong scholarship. The average GPA of an RMU fraternity/sorority member varies, but routinely lies above the typical RMU student. Members who fall below academic standards typically require remediation and remove members unable or unwilling to perform at the chapter’s academic standard.
How much of a time commitment should I expect?
The actual amount of time required varies from chapter to chapter, and is a good question to ask during recruitment. Participating in any organization or worthwhile activity always requires investing your time. Research has shown that students who are involved in college are more likely to graduate and tend to report more satisfaction with their college experience. Greek life can help you learn to balance academics, work, social commitments, and involvement within your chapter and other organizations. Expectations for membership vary from chapter to chapter, but research reports the more a student is involved in his/her chapter the more that student experiences positive personal development.
How do I join?
Joining a Panhellenic Council (PC) varies each semester. In the fall, all PC sororities hold Primary Sorority Recruitment, which is held over four consecutive days. Interested students must register and fully participate in each day to be eligible to receive an invitation. In the spring, there is not a formal recruitment period however sororities may recruit members through continuous open bidding (COB). During COB, chapters eligible to take new members hold recruitment events open to all interested women and extend invitations to join as they wish.
To join an Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternity you should speak with a member of the specific fraternity you wish to join. IFC fraternities recruit new members at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters through events or casual interaction. For more information about the requirements for each chapter, please contact a chapter representative or the Dean of Student Office via email at
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) fraternities and sororities recruit new members through a process known as "membership intake." Each chapter takes in new members independently so be sure to look for posters, flyers, or speak to a member for more information.
If I go through recruitment, do I have to join?
You are not obligated to join any of the chapters. Recruitment is a great opportunity for you to check out fraternity and sorority life at Robert Morris University. You will also have the opportunity to meet other students with similar interests. Greek Life may not be for everyone, but we encourage you to take a look.
Are there fraternity and sorority houses at Robert Morris University?
RMU does not have fraternity/sorority houses and there are not chapter houses off campus in Moon Township or Coraopolis. Specifically, Moon Township zoning requires that fraternity and sorority houses receive conditional use approval and adhere to specific code requirements. Most chapters have a chapter suite in Washington Hall housing up to ten members. Some chapters expect members to live in the chapter suite at least one year during their membership.
Aren't fraternities and sororities all about alcohol and partying?
Alcohol and substance abuse is not tolerated. Most organizations have mandatory educational sessions on the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse and precautions are taken at all events to ensure a safe environment. The decision of whether or not to consume alcohol is made by any student – being in a fraternity or sorority has no bearing on that decision. True, the strong social experience of fraternity/sorority membership is one of the major reasons that students get involved in fraternities and sororities. However, there is much more to being social as a college student than "partying". Fraternities and sororities have some of the most active students on campus. Every organization devotes countless hours to community service and raises money for their national philanthropies as well as encourages involvement in a wide variety of campus organizations. They also have frequent organized brotherhood/sisterhood events for their members. Alcohol is prohibited in RMU fraternity and sorority suites in Washington Hall and the university Alcohol Policy strictly prohibits drinking games, kegs, and even consuming alcohol in the presence of a student who is not of legal drinking age. Violations of Pennsylvania law related to alcohol can be anonymously reported here.
What about hazing?
Hazing of any sort is prohibited by the University, the national headquarters of each chapter, and by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Fortunately, RMU fraternity and sorority members recognize that hazing has no place in their organizations and is contradictory to the values of their chapters. Hazing of any type or severity is not tolerated at Robert Morris University. In fact, RMU provides education and training on hazing prevention each semester through our New Member Academy, officer training, and annually through participation in National Hazing Prevention Week.
Hazing or any other inappropriate activity by a fraternity or sorority can be anonymously reported here.
Can I still be involved in other RMU organizations if I join a fraternity or sorority?
Yes! All of the fraternities and sororities strongly encourage their members to be active in other organizations on campus because they know how important involvement is for both the individual member and the campus community. Fraternity and sorority members are some of the most active leaders on campus, participating in many of the various organizations and activities here at Robert Morris University. RMU Greeks are varsity athletes and belong to Student Government Association, Colonial Ambassadors, Patriot Scholars (honors program), Resident Assistants, First Year Success Program mentors, and more. Roughly 90% of fraternity and sorority members are also members of at least one other student club, organization, or athletic team at RMU.
Who is supervising my student and the fraternities and sororities?
Each fraternity and sorority is required to have a university full-time employee serve as a faculty/staff advisor. The role of this individual varies with each group. Each chapter has a different framework for alumni mentoring and oversight where some chapters may have a local alumnus who works with that chapter or a committee/team of alumni with various roles related to chapter operations. On the university level, fraternities and sororities are under the guidance of the Dean of Students Office. Fraternities under the Interfraternity Council and sororities under the Panhellenic Council fall under the responsibilities of the Dean of Students. Fraternities and sororities which are part of the National Pan-Hellenic Conference (NPHC/Divine Nine) also fall under the Greek Life umbrella.
How do I start a new fraternity or sorority chapter?
Depending on the council affiliation the process to start a new fraternity/sorority chapter can vary greatly. The best first step is to contact the Dean of Students Office to discuss your interest in starting a new group. Depending on the organization's affiliation with any national council or conference there may be procedure that supersedes RMU's own recognition process. At this time RMU will only work with students wishing to start a chapter of a national or international social fraternity or sorority with preference to chapters who previously had an active chapter at the university.
Where can I get more information about fraternity and sorority life at RMU?
You can learn more about fraternities and sororities at RMU, the different chapters, and councils by visiting the Greek Life webpages or following us on Instagram at rmugreeklife. You can also contact Maureen Keefer, Dean of Students at 412-397-6483 or via email at
For More Information Contact:
Maureen Keefer
Dean of Students
Phone: 412-397-6483
Fax: 412-397-6318
Nicholson Center 2nd
Moon Campus