Washington Residence Hall

The Washington Hall Residential Community is home to over 300 first year and upperclassmen students. Traditionally, many RMU greek organizations, athletic groups, and student interest groups call Washington Hall home. The building offers 30 suite-style housing options, with 10 students sharing a suite living space and bathroom, and 5 double bedrooms within each suite. Washington Hall also offers a floor recently renovated in the style of our traditional residence halls, where students share double rooms, community bathrooms, and shared lounge areas. Students can also choose a private room located within the building. 

All bedrooms are furnished with a twin XL bed, desk, desk chair, dresser, and closet space for each student. The suite's living room is space is not furnished and students are able to decorate the space to their preference. The hall is co-ed, with students of the same gender living in each suite or in each room on the traditional style floor. By clicking on each image below you can learn more about our Washington Hall residential experience.