Student Success
Robert Morris University
Anthony Tolliver

"I’m learning so much in such a short amount of time, and I got plenty of practice when I was at Robert Morris. Now it’s just like clockwork."

Anthony Tolliver is only 24, but his passport is already filled with stamps from Austria, South Korea, Italy, Greece, France, and Germany.

As an international sales management trainee with Engel, an Austrian manufacturer of injection molding machines, Anthony is in the midst of a two-year program that has him doing rotations at company facilities around the world.

It’s a highly selective program —  he is the only participant from the United States. The experience is setting him up very well for a career in international business. “You gain a global perspective and intercultural competence, and from that you’re able to help the company grow,” Anthony says. 

His career has taken off since graduation, but the Obama Academy graduate and Pittsburgh Promise scholarship recipient says finding work experience was a challenge at first. Majoring in industrial engineering, Anthony wanted an internship with an engineering focus, but couldn’t quite find the right fit. Then his professor invited him to participate in a biomedical engineering research project over the summer. “It taught me to work really hard for what I want,” he says.

Once Anthony completes the training program in 2020, he hopes to land a position as a project manager. As for where, that will depend on the company’s business needs. “I have no clue what country I’ll work in,” he says. Chances are, he’ll already have been there.

More Testimonials

"Between my knowledgeable advisor and extracurriculars like campus ministry and much hard work I was afforded the skills to get where I am today as I move onto this next chapter of my journey."

"I also decided to study abroad and that was an incredible experience. I feel like I truly found myself in my 4 years at RMU and I could not be more grateful for everything this school has given me."