Ann & Alvin Rogal Family Chapel

The Ann and Alvin Rogal Family Chapel is designed to serve the needs of a growing and varied student body by providing a central gathering place attuned to the more spiritual aspects of campus life.

Purpose of The Rogal Chapel

  • Is non-denominational, open to all, and available to all faiths represented on campus and will remain unassigned to any specific clergy or faith.
  • Is available for structured worship and services, unstructured worship, private prayer and contemplation by individuals or groups.
  • Is available for scheduled programs (spiritual worships, memorial services, weddings, etc). Normally, no more than 1/3 of the weekly time will be used for scheduled programming.

The Rogal Chapel Hours

Daily during the Academic Year

7:00 am - 11:00 pm

Summer Hours

To Be Determined Each Summer

General Information

The Conference and Facility Services Department and the Office of Student Life, in consultation with the Campus Ministry Association, will provide oversight to the scheduling and programming of the facility.

Maintenance: The building shall be maintained by the RMU Physical Plant Department.
Security: Public Safety Department will be responsible for unlocking and locking all exterior doors and specific interior doors to the building.


All Rogal Chapel reservations must be made through the Conference and Facility Services Office by calling 412-397-4997. Generally speaking, scheduling is on a first-come, first-serve basis and is at the discretion of the University. Alternate facilities may be assigned should scheduling conditions warrant such action.