Veterans Reverse Job Fair 10a-12p

Veterans Reverse Job Fair will be hosted by PA CareerLinkĀ® Pittsburgh, in conjunction with several other organizations, will be held on May 24th from 10AM to 12PM. 

A reverse job fair flips the script.  Jobseekers set up displays and promote their skills while employers walk around and meet with them.  This is a great opportunity to sell yourselves in the way you want to the employer(s) you choose.

There will be a day of workshops to help the Veterans create their displays and develop their presentation skills on May 9th.  The PA CareerLinkĀ® will provide the basic materials needed for displays.  Please bring copies of awards, training certificates or anything they need to demonstrate their skills and abilities.  We will do a dress rehearsal on May 16th.  We are keeping this first one small (around 10-15 Veterans) but intend to have this event again in November.

Please see the attached flyer: Veterans Reverse Job Fair - VETERAN rev. 4.26.pdf