
Welcome to Rune

As a peer-reviewed university literary journal, Rune promotes creative excellence, the joy of personal expression, and a sense of community by publishing and presenting original literary and graphic works of high quality from the Robert Morris University family and in the Pittsburgh region, and by sponsoring readings, websites, and other forms of media outreach.

Rune accepts submissions of photography, graphic design, drawings, poetry, and prose from all RMU students, faculty, and staff as well as from writers in the Pittsburgh region and beyond. Three pieces may be submitted per person. Drawings, graphic design, and photography should be submitted in .JPEG format, poems and prose as .doc or .docx files.  Submit all files as attachments to an email in which you provide a brief author bio and contact information.  

The campus literary journal offers students the opportunity to enhance their professional resumes while working with a personable staff on a timely basis. Students from every discipline are welcome.  Contact Dr. Heather Pinson at to learn more.

Banner photo credit: "Vineyards in Napa Valley" by Kristen Lawrence


Latest Edition

Rune 2024

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The John Stanton Carson Endowed Academic Scholarship is awarded to an RMU student who is an excellent writer, with special consideration given to those candidates who have been published in Rune. Awardees are chosen by the English Department for their ability to write in poetic and transactional genres, especially poetry and nonfiction.

Click here for more information. Thank you in advance!

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