Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) welcomes you to Robert Morris University! 

SAS connects qualified students with necessary accommodations and resources to have an equal access to their education.  Accommodations for students fall over five categories at RMU:  academic, classroom, housing, dining, and temporary.

On our website, you will be able to learn more about the process for students to request reasonable accommodations, our Test Center and testing accommodations provided and other community and RMU resources for students, parents, faculty, and staff.

The Center for Student Success, SAS, and all of Student Life care personally about each student’s story and we are so excited to help you navigate your way through your journey here at RMU.

To register with our office and to learn more about the process of receiving accommodations at RMU, please click the links below:

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is a part of the Center for Student Success, which is located within the Solution Central suite in the Nicholson Center.

Questions? Please contact Molly Devlin at