Student Success
Robert Morris University
Kelsey Paxton - School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science

“I do think that Robert Morris was a good place for me. It was a good fit.”

When a UPMC doctor came to speak to students at the RMU pre-med club, Kelsey Paxton saw an opportunity. So the biology major buttonholed the visitor after the program and volunteered to work on any medical research project she had available. And it worked — that summer Kelsey had an internship at UPMC, assisting with medical research on polycystic ovary syndrome, even shadowing the doctor on her rounds with patients.

Taking advantage of opportunities is something Kelsey specialized in at RMU. As an honors student, she was a regular visitor to her professors’ office hours. She got involved with theater performances and the RMU dance team, and also spent a semester abroad at the University of Limerick, where her horseback riding class counted as animal behavior study credit toward her degree. And with the help of strong prep classes for the MCAT exams, Kelsey was accepted to the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She plans to become a pediatric otolaryngologist.

Degree programs at the School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science place key emphasis on
collaborative research, and students frequently co-publish scientific papers with faculty mentors. That builds strong resumes and creates a pathway to career success for students just like Kelsey.

More Testimonials

"My professors have set me up for success and have allowed me to flourish in any way I choose to."

“I do think that Robert Morris was a good place for me. It was a good fit.”